Welcome to the Diers Blog where we’re discussing the trade show basics that you need to know. A frequently asked question is: “How do I get the most out of each trade show I exhibit at?” Is this a loaded question? Absolutely, so let’s break it down. I want to start by saying- each company is different and if you would like to go more into depth, we offer consultation services and are more than happy to strategize with you to be the most successful in your upcoming shows. Let’s dive in- the top 3 ways to be successful at a trade show:
- Identify target audience and brand presentation
- Create a plan to stand out
- Have a post-show plan
Identify your Target Audience:
Each trade show caters to a different audience. Factor this into your decision on who your target audience is at your next trade show. Figure out what is most important to your audience and how you can provide them with value.
Stand Out:
What do you bring to the table? How are you standing out from your competitors? This is an aspect that you first want to focus on within your brand- what do you have to offer that no one else has? Once you have that figured out, talk to the professionals about how you can make your booth stand out in the same way. A few ways people do this are:
- Prizes & Giveaways
- Samples
- Music
Have a Post Show Plan:
Once you capture your leads, how are you going to convert them to increase your ROI? On average, a prospect needs to be exposed to the company’s message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy a product or service. This means that once you have created a connection at a trade show, you need to follow up/ market to that one lead 6 more times. How can you do this?
- Email Marketing Campaigns
- Social Media Posts and ads
- Call or connect online with the leads you’ve gathered from the show
Now that you know how to get the most out of your next show, we’ll move on to how to bring your brand to life at your next show and what trends we’re seeing for 2023. Need help increasing your ROI at trade shows? Reach out to our experienced team at Diers Exhibit Group to make a plan at mariah@diersexhibitgroup.com.