I’m pleased to announce myself as the new intern here at Diers Exhibit Group. Currently, I attend school full-time at Metropolitan State University of Denver – pursuing a degree in marketing and a minor in intrapersonal sales. I chose intrapersonal sales specifically because all throughout my life I have enjoyed selling things; Craigslist has served as the vessel to my success. Even as a kid I would frequently sell old video games, bikes, and scooters via Craigslist.
Ironically, I found this Internship through Craigslist. But, back to the subject! I have always enjoyed the thrill of selling, and pitching products (even if they were old, used pieces of junk) and that’s what influenced my decision to pursue a minor in intrapersonal sales. My major, marketing, was also my mother’s degree of choice. She urged me to look into marketing when I applied to the Metropolitan State University of Denver; for I had no idea what I was trying to do, or where I wanted to go in life (as far as education). After some investigative work, and reading through the broad description of the marketing major offered at Metro, I made my decision to join the school of business as a marketing major.
For recreation, and “wasting time” as my mother would put it, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies, and making self-produced music. I am also quite fond of the outdoors! My favorite outdoor pastime is by far camping and my favorite sport to participate in is definitely frisbee golf (if you haven’t tried frisbee golf before, give it a shot. (It’s a lot of fun!).
Anyway, I am very thankful my friends at Diers Exhibit Group were willing to give a young chap like myself the chance to gain some real-world business experience through this internship. Being a fan of graphic design and art, I really look forward to that aspect of the marketing and trade show industry. After scrolling through Diers Exhibit Groups’ website, I was stoked to see some custom computer-generated artwork. Although the trade show industry is rather foreign to me, I am learning more and more every day!
I came onto the scene with little-to-no knowledge of the trade show
industry, but after learning some of the basics I have found it to be
very engaging. Every facet of the trade show industry sparks my
interest: the selling of displays, advertising, designing, and pleasing
clients. As a result, I am extremely excited to jump in and do
everything I can to learn and grow with Diers Exhibit Group this summer!