Local Limelight: Ignite Your Brand with Brand Iron

by | Jan 7, 2016

Ignite Your Brand with Brand Iron

If your company needs to re-brand, you should strongly consider reaching out to Brand Iron. When you reach out, get ready to literally light your brand on fire, because after working with them it will be too hot to touch.

If you think I am blowing this fire thing out of proportion, then you should probably jump on Brand Iron’s new website and let me prove you wrong. I’m not just talking figuratively, there is an actual fire explosion happening on the new website (sneak peek below).

Brand IronBrand Iron Brand Iron

The Heat is On

Brand Iron is a hot “strategic brand and enterprise value creation agency” that started in Denver. They recently re-branded, which is part of the company motto to practice what they preach. Brand Iron started in Denver, Colorado, and has been partnering with companies for right around 13 years.

CEO and owner, Michael Doyle, was nice enough to sit down with us for this edition of Denver Local Limelight. He opened up about the history of his entrepreneurial carrier and told the story of how Brand Iron was born.

Michael says that he “fell into entrepreneurship out of necessity and opportunity,” as the opportunity to start his own company presented itself when he was journeying out into the workforce.

The Accidental Entrepreneur

Michael started his career at an advertising agency with roughly 26 employees. He did work for this ad agency for about a year, and soon found a passion for the industry.

Although, his career with this agency was short-lived…

One morning, he went into the office to find the doors padlocked shut. He cupped his hands together, pressed them on the glass, and gazed into his office. Shockingly he found that all contents had been cleared out, and it was completely empty.

At this point, he had a number of thoughts racing through his mind. His main thought was of course, “Crap! It’s payday!”

Many other thoughts continued to flood his mind: “What should I do? What are my clients going to do? Where am I going to work?”

Michael felt the pressure to maintain a job and his income like never before.

The next morning he decided to get a job waiting tables. His journey began in the service industry. Then, the following week he had clients from the ad agency calling him. They were asking him for some kind of direction because most of their jobs were unfulfilled, or in the middle of the workload.

This is what triggered Michael to be the accidental entrepreneur. It suddenly occurred to Michael that he could start his own firm, and take care of his existing clients. He didn’t have the money, and at the time there was no such thing as funding. So, he decided to continue his job at the restaurant, and use that money to start his firm and make a living. He began his entrepreneurial career working long nights to support his new business. He worked as hard as he could to accomplish his goal and to grow his business.

For two years he worked full-time at a restaurant waiting tables at night, developed his company during the day, and did accounting on the weekends.

Four years later, after gaining much success in his ad agency, he decided to merge with another firm, and then later he sold it to another company.

The Birth of Brand Iron

Soon after selling his first ad agency, Michael decided to start Brand Iron. He liked advertising but decided to shift his focus. He wanted to “get to the bigger picture goal” with his clients, and define quality results rather than going after pure advertising. His focus shifted out of advertising into brand management where he could provide outstanding service clients could not get anywhere else.

When Brand Iron first started, everyone was anti-western cowboy, so they started driving the cowboy brand they have today; forge brand, drive revenue. The cowboy theme began to differentiate them and made them stand out against the crowd.

The cowboy theme worked. Brand Iron slowly grew into an extremely successful brand management company with clients all over the United States.

Michael started Brand Iron purely as a branding agency. He commented that “We tell all of our clients to look at their space and see what people are doing so that we can be result oriented.”

Here’s a little excerpt from the “About Us” section on Brand Iron’s website:

“Brand Iron has been conceiving, shaping, and transforming brands since 2002, partnering with companies looking to achieve specific goals through their brand. Over the years, we’ve collaborated with more than 200 clients in our Denver, Colorado backyard and across our borders to ultimately forge brands and drive revenue.

We know a strong brand is more than just a logo. With a mix of backgrounds and various industry specialties, our team tackles the branding issue from every angle. We believe this strengthens our ability to create sound strategies. We blend a team-oriented approach with inherent entrepreneurialism to build the strongest brands. Among other things, we are creative thinkers, problem solvers, and can-do-era.”

We can attest that Brand Iron is your #1 partner for brand management.

Diers Exhibit’s Role

At Diers Exhibit, we have the privilege of working with Brand Iron on a handful of trade show booth concepts. We enjoy every opportunity we get to work with them. They are an efficient, and passion-driven team. We highly recommend their brand services to anyone looking for a strong return on investment (ROI).

Thanks for reading this edition of our #DenverLocalLimelight!

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