Planning ahead should be the main objective when it comes to installation and dismantle. This will save you valuable marketing money and time during setup and tear down at your next trade show event. While preparing for a show that is weeks or months ahead, it is easy to feel like you have plenty of time on your hands, but as the days and hours draw near, time becomes increasingly valuable. The long days of walking the show and entertaining future leads are exciting, but can be exhausting. As exhibiting comes to an end, so do energy levels. When exhaustion officially sets-in you no longer have time to spare; your team is ready to hit the pillow, but you have one more dismantle to go. This is the point when you will really value your decision to plan ahead for the final dismantle process.
These 11 tips will enable you to avoid the common installation and dismantle mistakes that eat away at your time and increase labor costs. The common theme here is to: PLAN AHEAD and you just might save some of that precious marketing money and time.
These tips will help keep your team smiling even when exhaustion sets-in and final dismantle is ahead of them.
11 Tips for Effective Installation & Dismantle
1. Communicate early with the Installation & Dismantle team leader. You could schedule a specific call before the exhibit to talk show details and your expectations. At this meeting, give the team lead the show paperwork: set-up diagrams, booth orientation (direction), and graphic layout orientation, that way he or she can reference the information before the exhibit. Communication is the key to a smooth I & D. Avoid communication issues by collecting your team’s contact information and handing it out. Insist that your team stays in constant communication before, during and after the show.
2. Remember to bring essential equipment and tools (Will you need genie lifts? Or banding tools and supplies for client pallets or equipment? What about ladders and heights?). Brainstorm a list of tools and equipment you will need before the show, and communicate your needs to the team lead.
3. Your Installation & Dismantle provider will need a printed copy of the electoral order and the grid layout with details on the location (also specific power needs) for each drop. The grid layout needs to indicate all the booth locations around your space. The booth might not be oriented properly without these important details. If you’re worried about not getting the right information to your show provider, I recommend you reference your show book for all the major show details.
4. Communicate electronic uses. (100 watt bulb = 1 amp; 1 monitor = 3 amps) Have a count on light bulbs and monitors to confirm the number of “amps” you will need at each drop. The number of electronics or lights will determine how many drops you will need for power.
5. Double-check that the flooring installation has been scheduled before exhibit set-up. Your I & D provider should receive a hard copy of the carpet and/or flooring order before the show. This will give them the authority to act on your behalf in case there are any delays at the show site. The proper color should be called out clearly on your order. Also, if you are bringing a hanging sign, submit the order to have it installed and make sure your I & D company has copies of that paperwork.
6. On the day before set-up, ask your I & D provider to check that the electrical and flooring has been installed properly and is cleared of crates and show materials. This will prevent costly wait time when your installation team arrives for set-up in the morning.
7. You will need to print, email and bring in hard packets of essential information to the show including all line drawings, renderings, and staging photos of your exhibit design. These hard packets can be stored in your exhibit cases/crates in case your I & D team need extra copies. Better to be over prepared than under prepared!
8. Prioritize the labeling of every exhibit component and check that everything corresponds with your set-up diagrams. Stay organized and your dismantle time with significantly decrease.
9. Bring notes and photos to outline setup tips or provide detail in the areas you want special attention to be given. Details are important when it’s time to install the more difficult parts of your exhibit because they can greatly decrease setup time.
10. On the day of the exhibit and right before setup, hold a meeting with your I & D team to go over your expectations. Show them all the photos and diagrams. Doing this will help the team visualize the final product and implement it better. Write out a list that specifies the order each piece should be built. For extra ease, take pictures of setup before the show and have them ready. This will give your team a step-by-step illustration of how to configure the booth correctly.
11. If you have any problems with the I & D team, for instance if they aren’t working to your standards, you can ask for a change. Make sure to communicate with the I & D team lead and request a change. This is not a cheap service, and it is important that you have a professional and productive team.
Implementing the 11 tips listed above will ensure a smooth and effective installation and dismantle at your next exhibit. Don’t underestimate the importance of reading show book regulations; they are essential when planning for the I & D side of your show. Read carefully and talk with your distributor if you need extra explanation of book regulations. Having a grasp on these regulations can make or break your next exhibit. Go into your next trade show prepared for the beginning, middle, and the end. Don’t leave any area grey. Instead, plan ahead and address every detail. Follow these guidelines and you will come out on top of your marketing budget.
Denver based Diers Exhibit Group wants to see your company flourish at every trade show event. This includes all the little details surrounding installation & dismantle. Your success is our success. Let us help you make your next event outstanding. Call today 303-973-5613.
Written by Jeff Diers
Owner and Founder of Denver based Diers Exhibit Group